by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Safest in the World

World Census agents tested the sharpness of household objects, the softness of children's play equipment, and the survival rate of people taking late walks to determine how safe each nation is to visit.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Agricultural Paradise of AppleJackyLiberal Democratic Socialists Open-Minded Education State“Amō Amōrem”
32.The People's Socialist Republic of AbsolutusDemocratic Socialists Ordinary Caring Intelligent World Citizens“Where there lives a worker there lives a nation”
33.The Principality of TrotterdamLeft-Leaning College State Paradise“The Indivisible Many”
34.The Theocracy of WyomaPsychotic Dictatorship Fascist Dictatorship“JEHOVAH TSIDKENU ( The LORD our RIGHTEOUSNESS )”
35.The Republic of WilkshireScandinavian Liberal Paradise Normal“Everyone for everyone else”
36.The Dominion of PapaJackyLeft-wing Utopia Utopia“Abolēfacite Omnia Monstra”
37.The Commonwealth of PolinikiaAuthoritarian Democracy Mouth-Breathing Creationists“I Raro Rani, I tasi poe (Under One Heaven, One People)”
38.The Third Social Alliance of MenontenDemocratic Socialists Ordinary Caring Intelligent World Citizens“We not gonna fall until our enemies falls!”
39.The Democratic Republic of CountriopiaLeft-wing Utopia Utopia“Proletarians of all countries, unite!”
40.The Wilderness of ElorenLiberal Democratic Socialists Open-Minded Education State“Ŭŋ∂ҽԅʄŧѻɽΐɐჷ ϑɲʈɚღԑშ, ßҩυიτѥs βɩσσðʂɫαιηєძ”
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