by Max Barry

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Region: Greater Middle East

Persia News Agency - Tehran.

Persian Arms industry is booming with sales; the Shah approves of Iraqi delegate bid

The Afsharid Persian Arms Industry has been booming in the recent years with expensive and high profile exports of its Siyavash Main Battle Tanks.

The country recently made another multi-million dollar sale of the tanks to Radovonia. The Balkan country has been attempting to revitalize and modernize its military for fear of it being outdated.

In other news, the Shah has supported Jumhuriyat al iraq's bid for regional delegate, saying that "Iraq is the perfect country to understand the complications of the region with all it has gone through. They are the perfect candidate."

The Shah also announced in a press conference today that steps will be taken to crack down on the country's rapidly growing Black Market.

"Ever since our short but devastating civil war after the death of my late father, the economy of our nation has greatly suffered. Our tourism sector has been greatly impacted, and a large Black Market has developed. Thankfully, the Arms Export Industry has helped us recover, but we wish to return to our former status as one of the world's best tourism destinations, and also to eradicate the ever growing black market that has taken roots here.

Our tourism sector is back on the rise with deals we have made with countries such as Basillandia and Abadi arabia. The same cannot be said for our black market sector, which is getting worse and worse by the year.

Unfortunately, many of our economic experts have died in the civil war or were executed by my brother, so the current stock is a bit inexperienced. We would like to seek the help of regional neighbors such as Greater steppe and North trideshia in controlling our black market sector."

The Shah once again praised the return of brotherhood and unity in the Maghreb region as well.

Saturday, July 29th, 2017 - Tehran.

Radovonia, Abadi arabia, Nijad, and Nejemi sahara
