by Max Barry

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Region: Right to Life

First And Only Archive wrote:Nice. However, for the sake of playing devil's advocate (which some I expect will be seeing as literally true whenever I make a pro-abortion argument in RTL), here's a counter:

How many women's careers have been cut short by unwanted motherhood?
How many discoveries might they have made? How many great leaders could have been if they hadn't been raising children?
How many evil people have been stopped from existing because they died before they were born?
How many warmongers? How many destroyers?
How many Hitlers?
How much environmental damage from even more human lives on the planet?

Not that the above make for a good argument for abortion. Rather, they point out that it's an assumption that the utilitarian cost to society of abortion has been great. In actuality, many might judge that societies that allow abortion tend to be ones with broader civil rights generally, greater feminism, and more rationalism. Of course, correlation is not causation, so I would not be so presumptious as to say that allowing abortion promotes human rights.

Motherhood is not the end of a woman's life. There was a billboard last month sponsored by the Sanilac County Health Department in Michigan, claiming that women couldn't be successful while also being mothers. It got a lot of blowback - not just from pro-lifers, but also from feminists - because of how offensive it was. A woman who has to choose between her baby and her career/education is a woman who has received insufficient support from others. It is very much possible to do both- it only requires society to stop seeing children as a burden or a cancer (sometimes literally).

If Planned Parenthood actually helped women plan for parenthood, more women might choose life for their baby- which is why they don't. Abortion is their entire business model, and every other service they provide is aimed towards getting the woman to show up later for an abortion.

Plenty of FQHCs ( do provide care for women (more than any PP location, for less money, and at more locations), but they are often understaffed and underfunded. And somehow, defunding PP and redirecting the funds to these centers is continually opposed for being "anti-woman". Makes one wonder what's defined as "pro-woman".

"These suggestions are geared both towards supporting a woman during pregnancy and helping families live in conditions conducive to choosing life should they face an unexpected pregnancy. They do contain references to my faith, but most are just as easily implemented without any religious component."

"The Sanilac County Health Department Facebook page is being slammed with responses to their disgusting billboard. The negative reactions are not just coming from pro-life conservatives, many of the responses are from feminists who are offended that the county health department is suggesting it’s not possible to have children and a career."

Aawia, United massachusetts, The Catholic State of Eire, and Slavic lechia
