by Max Barry

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Region: Right to Life

The eireann wa delegation

First And Only Archive wrote:I see your point, and actually I did vote Green last time around, but my vote still felt wasted as I'm in a Tory safe seat. Hard to even bother to get up to vote for general elections, but I still do it anyway. Meanwhile in Council elections there wasn't even a Green candidate, and in the next general election the socialist left is split into more parties than the conservative right is, so has a lot less chance of getting into power.

I mean essentially, FTTP means that my vote has less meaning in the town I live in than if I move to a marginal seat. Proportional Representation would give my vote meaning regardless of where I lived.

I suppose you can take some comfort that the Tories were decimated in this local council election.

At least we get to vote with PR in the European election, and I gotta say I'm hyped to see the results of the E.U. election in the U.K. and watch how well the Brexit Party perform.
