by Max Barry

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Region: The Alliance of Dictators

Jack Thatcher began the drive to his private beach. He drove on the interstate alongside other daily drivers and Jack kept a careful watch on his speed. Soon enough, Jack pulled off of an exit and arrived at a security gate built into a large concrete wall that expanded in both directions. The jungle surrounded him on all sides and visibility of the interstate had been lost a while ago.The car sent out a signal that the security station accepted and Jack was allowed to approach the gate. The guard quickly confirmed Jack's identity with a fingerprint scanner and let Jack in.

Jack continued to drive for several more minutes before he pulled into an asphalt parking lot outside an office building. Jack left his car and unlocked the entrance to the building with his keycard. Once more, Jack Thatcher refused to even acknowledge the existence of his employees and simply strode through the building until he reached another set of elevator doors.

This, like many doors, were opened by his fingerprints. Jack Thatcher stood in the elevator and felt the jolt as it began to move horizontally. The CEO patiently stood as the elevator tumbled along it's path. Ten minutes pass in complete silence before the doors open once more.

Jack exited the elevator into a cold metal room. Technicians fiddled with dials and gears along the wall while two phone operators simply paid Jack a glance before returning to their duties. Jack walked passed everyone and entered the next room. A large reinforced window revealed the ocean blue in front of him. A small school of fish was idling in front of the window but scattered the moment Jack opened the door.

"Sir, welcome back." Spoke a bespectacled portly man nearby

"Doctor Steven, lead the way." Jack simply replied. Steven nodded jovialy before leading Jack towards a large reinforced steel door. The entrance slowly hissed open and revealed an airlock corridor.

"The M.U.S.B has been operating well since the explosion. No pressure or oxygen issues, the repairs are mostly complete, and the injuries have been accounted for." Steven explained as the airlock did it's job and allowed the two men into a much larger room.

The Mobile Underwater Sea Base was a modular station capable of packing itself up into an oil rig esque situation and shipping itself to a new location. The large room Steven and Jack found themselves in was the main Atrium which made up the large middle of any M.U.S.B. This particular Base had two surveillance modules, two vehicle bays, an administrative addition, and a visitor's center built around the Atrium.

Steven and Jack immediately headed for the Admin Center. The doors swished open and revealed a room not unlike a naval command center. Steven took a seat at his Science Officer station while Jack sat upon his Captain's Throne. Jack looked at his administration crew before clearing his throat.

"We're packing up and leaving the coast. Send the order to prepare for surface breach."
