by Max Barry

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Region: the Pacific

Post-Apocalyptic Menu: Because nothing says post-nuclear Armageddon like good food!

1. Devilled Eggs with paprika, mayonnaise and truffle powder sprinkled over them, served in a bed of hand-picked garden herbs
2. Oysters Rockefeller, topped with butter sauce, parsley, chopped spinach and cilantro, mint leaves, generously drenched in lime sauce
3. Deep fried Iguana kebabs, slowly roasted and smoked over fresh charcoal, marinated in pepper and chili powder, with sliced grilled onions, tomatoes and leeks, served piping hot

1. Mutant Beef Tenderloin Steak: Marinated in pepper, nutmeg, paprika and an assortment of other spices; Roasted with a spicy chili infusion, served medium rare and topped with chimichurri salsa
2. Sautéed fresh boneless trout with tarragon butter sauce, parsley and caramelized shallots; served with a side of deep fried asparagus, Brussel sprouts and Arugula Salad with Ricotta Salata
3. Greasy breaded pork liver, stuffed into soft-boiled Chinese dumplings along with finely diced carrots, onions, shallots, chives and shiitake mushrooms. Served up in piping hot, and pepper-sprinkled noodle soup.
4. Mutant Bird's egg omelets with tomato sauce and fried rice, containing Ambercup squash, shallot brown butter, and green apple chutney

1. Milk sponge caked slathered with hot custard, chocolate sprinkles and fresh, thick strawberry jam
2. Butterscotch pudding, served with warm caramel sauce, crushed gingerbread crumbs, and whipped cream
