by Max Barry

Latest Forum Topics



Region: The Hole To Hide In

RP: Prime Minister Bratianu Condemns Blayredeshia
Bucuresti, Rumania - In a conference yesterday, Prime Minister Bratianu condemned Blayredeshia and it's allies for their involvement in the The gatisland, which Bratianu called an attempt by the Blayredeshians to flex their "grossly outdated" imperialistic foreign policy. The condemnation came after Parliament passed a vote placing sanctions of top government and military officials in Blayredeshia, the sanctions extended to include the executives of several of their large state-aligned corporations. In addition to sanctioning the government of Blayredeshia, the Rumanian Parliament agreed to place heavy economic restrictions on ALL members of the TNL. The Prime Minister has discussed potentially involving itself on behalf of The gatisland but anti-war sentiment remains high in the nation, even after military success in fighting the Diakok.

RP: Meeting?
Bucuresti, Rumania - Prime Minister Bratianu has requested to meet with the President Damien Sieg of Schwypia to discuss several foreign policy matters.
