by Max Barry

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Region: The Hole To Hide In

Northern new solingarch


    The ashgard
    The Southeastern Republics of the Solingarchi Confederation were always less populated than the Northwestern Republics of the Confederation, always having had less arable and generally livable land than the Northwestern Republics. Covered in mountainous and dry terrain, much of the Southeastern Region was unsuitable for most organic life to live there. Frequent dust waves, electrical storms, and a large amount of hazardous insects and pests made the area one of the most difficult to live in, and it is a testament to sheer Human willpower that communities and towns managed to spring up in the valleys and plains of the region.
    The "Fraa Hoqam" Township - named in the local tongue "Free Haven" for it's founding as a haven for the Outcasts, the Pioneers and those who wanted to have a new life away from the normal lifestyle - was one of the few communities in the "Lesrsmems Pumdark" (Lightning Ponders) Valley, itself the largest settlement for nearly 100km, and was home to a large mining and agricultural economy. Entirely self sufficient aside from annual imports of advanced machinery and some modern vehicles, Fraa Hoqam relied little on the outside world and it's host Republic - the Valean Commonwealth - and paid little care to outside affairs. It's isolation and local culture therefore made it a prime destination for the Outcasts, Pioneers, and the lost souls from across the Confederation and the KSI.

    The township had recently survived a rather intense Electric Dust Storm, the most intense of the Storm Season so far, and many of the town's people were beginning to survey the damages in the region. Furthermore, rumors had begun to circle about sightings of 'humanoid forms' near the Lesrsmems Trruma (Lightning Throne) Mountain. These rumors, however, had been widely ignored as myths or figments of the imagination, and many paid little mind to them.

    Johans McKillian was a farmer who lived nearly 7 miles outside of Fraa Hoqam, who's farm had fallen upon hard times after the most recent Electric Dust Storm. The majority of his crop yield for the season was decimated by the Storm, the majority of his equipment shocked by the Storm or covered in dust by the post-storm Dust Drifts, and what wasn't covered when the storm struck was rendered unusable or outright killed. His family had taken the toll as well, his children having to leave with his Sister to go to the nearby City of Peumaar Furs (Pioneer's Fort) for medical care and to wait until the farm was safe to live again. Johans had take this particularly difficult, and had fallen to alcohol to cope. He frequently found himself drunk beyond belief, far unable to think clearly and safely, at all points in the day, or blatantly asleep in his home. Today, he had been in a particularly bad mood, and had decided in a drunken state to take his only still-functioning vehicle - his modified CT-34 'Tibbu' - on a ride through the surrounding area.

    He was at the base of Lesrsmems Trruma Mountain, preoccupied by drunkenly spinning his tank in a circle in an empty section of the woods, when he was encountered by the Rust. He was too preoccupied by spinning his tank, when he caught a glimpse of one of the Rust Drones. In his drunken and impaired state, he foolishly decided to man his tank's gun, and attempted to open fire on the drone with his tank's machine gun. In his drunken state, however, there was only so much he could do, and instead he managed to fiddle with the loading mechanism before managing to fire a few stray shots into a tree next to where he saw the thing.

    Following the Cenagradian request to join the KSI, the KSI has - following a convention of High Parliament on the subject - resolved to accept the Cenagradian request, and will be integrating Cenagrad as a full member of the KSI.

Cenagrad, Concordaia, Evacasia, and The ashgard
