by Max Barry

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Region: Tidewater

New united states 0f america

RP 2008 Election (timebubbled 2008 0/3)
January 20th was here, which means it was election day for The Commonwealth, The L-C and NLP Had not chance of winning, instead delegates either threw their support for President Bobby Allen or his challenger, Takayama Saionji. The Majority of the population was supporting Allen, with many saying he pulled the country out of a crisis while "Saionji was trying to save his own ass" Allen's campaign ran off heavily off of criticizing Saionji's criminal record, and his current mob like attitude, saying that "We should rather have a Southern Gentleman in office rather then a "honest version" of Williamson. Allen's campaign also said how Saionji was massively egotistical, and that he would divide the nation rather then bring it together. Allen's campaign also said that with Saionji running as a independent, every party that isn't "Saionji's lackeys who were given campaign money by him" would vote against him, resulting in a deadlocked congress. On Saionji's front, his ads were not as widely known, with him just saying that Allen would slowly lead the country "down a path of Neo-Yakovism" The Government and Allen was taking all the credit for improving the economy and getting rid of Brooks, and the population, as one political analyst said "The American people would rather suck up and appreciate the "Lovable Southern Baboon" they have in office rather then some Ex-Mob Boss who as the campaign said, was just trying to save himself" On Election Day, Allen won by a massive landslide, never before seen in NUS History, Allen. The Entire Political Map showed the country as red, with no states going for Saionji.
Allen got to work on his 2nd term imminently, starting by lowering taxes so paying them would be cheaper then trying to avoid them, taxes on the middle class stayed the same, while taxes for the lower class were slightly lowered. He also massively defunded the Commonwealth Reconstruction Authority, a massively funded agency that deals with disaster relief and war reconstruction, the agency serves very little purpose anymore, as The South is properly reintegrated into the union, the funds from defunding this agency would go to social programs Allen was looking to expand. In the congress, both houses became dominated by the YPTC, with the largest faction in both being The Bayou Democrats, the same as Allen. With the YPTC controlling a super majority in both houses, and Allen still as president, anything he says, goes. Bills and Acts were being passed much faster then his previous terms, now the L-C and NLP are focusing on getting themselves back together. Saionji after the election went back to his companies, however "The Taxmen" being angry over Allen's decision of slipping a blind eye to Saionji's tax evasion start their own investigation to catch Saionji on a another offence.
