by Max Barry

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Region: Empire of Andrew

Good lord I finally have internet back guys!! It's been out for weeks and I swear to god...I hate AT&T...I see I have missed A god I am so sorry for the sudden absence guys...I didn't disappear intentionally.

For some reason AT&T decided to change policies on our family plan giving us less services for more money, and when we tried to change contracts, they tried disputing us with some weird contractual clause and that stopped Lossed us and they turned off our phones and internet for the last few weeks...and we finally just switched over to a new plan and got our stuff turned back on...that was...certainly an interesting ordeal...

So! I see that Fel won the Olympic poll, so congrats man! Apologies Novo. I JUST saw your TGs and really am sorry I couldn't join up earlier due to this dang thing with AT&T. I'll send more via a TG in case you were interested!

And did I miss anything these last few weeks? I apologize once again for my sudden and abrupt absence, but AT&T shut us off suddenly and took quite a bit to finally get back online...again really sorry guys lol.
