by Max Barry

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Region: the South Pacific

The federal eagle republic wrote:

Yesterday he was shipping wmds to enemies by train, I told him to stop or I would raid the train but he did not stop as I raid the train he declared war and me and the collation occupied him in hours….

Okay but here's the thing, even if there is some kind of written treaty prohibiting it. Every nation in this region right now is producing weapons of mass destruction. We call that an arms race. I'm sure that you have weapons of mass destruction as well, if you denied this I'd be inclined to think you're acting in bad faith.

Now as for transporting these wmd's to your enemies or so called "rogue states" I don't know the democratic countries do the same thing all of the time so what's wrong when they do it? You're using this as a militaristic advantage because you can, not because you actually care about weapons getting in the wrong hands, truth is they are in everyone's hands.

I'm just saying. I think it's hypocrisy. Why do you get to posses these weapons and transport them to your allies but Hanasina doesn't?

Fortisbellator and The federal eagle republic
