by Max Barry

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Region: United States

Feature traveler simonia

Congratulations on being featured! And happy Lunar New Year!
I'm doing a giant firework giveaway for LNY, so you guys are getting two boxes of fireworks!
🎆 🎇 🧨 🎊

It's Lunar New Year. And the group went to United States.
“Ooh, free pie!”, Emily said, “I wanna try some!”
“Are you sure the pie is not poisonous?”, Jeka said, “And despite its name, I don’t see anything similar to the United States of my world here.”
“Oh yeah…”, Emily said, “Anyways, Lina, how far is the crystal?”
“Extremely cold”, Lina said after pulling out the device and turning it on, “But at least there's a firework show going on!”
If anyone wants a box of fireworks for their region, ping Simonia!
