by Max Barry

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What a Wonderful World

by Noahs Second Country
Tue, 02 Apr 2024

For ages, civilizations have come and gone, often leaving us only with the buried remains of their greatest creations, from the Violet Tinted Great Pyramids to the Great Comic Book Library of Bigtopia. The mystical legends surrounding these beacons of concentrated knowledge and power have persisted throughout history, creating objectives for ambitious explorers and talking points for desperate podcasters. However, only the most grand and impressive accomplishments have this level of staying power. As a result, over the course of many years, the World Census deployed a highly secretive team to survey the universe for the most interesting, ridiculous, and innovative creations that history has ever seen.

Just as the decisions were about to be finalized, a staffer leaked the project to the world, along with a brochure for their nation's 22-story library complex, featuring an Impenetrable Labyrinth, Intimidating Visage of Leader, and Ultimate Model Train Setup. There's just one problem with this leak: neither your nation nor your allies make the top 7 cut. Fortunately, it's not too late, but some major upgrades are certainly in store. The race is on to build the greatest wonder the world has ever seen!

Campaign for your creation, commit the blood, sweat, or tears of your nation into its construction, and find clever ways to harness resources in order to secure a spot in the annals of both history and conspiracy theory message boards for years to come. This isn't any old monument that you're building -- it's a representation of your wonderful nation, your wandering history, and your winding ideals.

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