by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Largest Manufacturing Sector in the World

World Census bean-counters tabulated data from across several industries in order to determine which nations have the largest Manufacturing sectors.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Territory of DeamonopolisIron Fist Consumerists Imperialist Pig Dog Oppressors“Light of the South”
2.The Sadistic Republic of Bright AngelPsychotic Dictatorship Fascist Dictatorship“Get Outa Here!!”
3.The United Stratocratic States of The Strategic Air CommandIron Fist Consumerists Imperialist Pig Dog Oppressors“Peace Is Our Profession”
4.The Eternal Misfortune of XynlandiaPsychotic Dictatorship Fascist Dictatorship“Stop Reading My Motto!”
5.The Galactic Empire of RiptariaIron Fist Consumerists Imperialist Pig Dog Oppressors“KILL OR BE KILLED”
6.The Nomadic Peoples of Space Ork HordeIron Fist Consumerists Imperialist Pig Dog Oppressors“WAAAAGH”
7.The Republic of ChaihnaIron Fist Consumerists Imperialist Pig Dog Oppressors“Motto”
8.The Glorious Kingdom of FlanderlionIron Fist Consumerists Imperialist Pig Dog Oppressors“Dale before all. Eliminate the non-believers.”
9.The Matriarchy of PapaBellumPsychotic Dictatorship Fascist Dictatorship“Hic Sunt Bella Dracones”
10.The Holy Empire of RommandaPsychotic Dictatorship Fascist Dictatorship“Strength Through Unity, Unity Through Faith”
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